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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Best Post To Put On Your Site

The Best Post To Put On Your Site the more traffic a page gets the more traffic the webpage gets
The best post to put on your site is really an open question, but there is an answer, but not perhaps the one you want. Have a look at your Google analytics and webmaster tools to see what Google thinks your site is about, not what you think its about.
Perhaps you may have your main topic, but you mite find your doing far better in one part then an other, so focus on what works even if a little of track.

I have one site out of the forty web sites I own and its covers disco hire equipment, but Google thinks it about vintage disco. At first I was a touch offended to see what Google thought my disco hire Philippines site was about, but when I really think about it, I superpose I am talking plenty about the old sound equipment. But I also have the most modern sound and lighting equipment also and chat about it on my Blog.

Some times you have to do what works, ever if its knot quit what you're really wanting. So now I Know to cover more 70's disco for that site. I started doing sound hire in 1984 and most of my DJ equipment was second hand so it is probably that old.

After you have work out what Google thinks your site is about, you should be able to come up with 5 to 10 subheadings for your next Blog posts.
If you're a little stuck for headings don't use any keyword tools, use Google search its better. E.g. just type 70 disco and the hit space bar and you will see a list of what people are looking for, how hard is that to find some keywords? Then try 70 disco A or 70 disco B and the hit space bar and so on.

So now you know the best post to put on your site is to go with the flow and not the try to beat the system.

So big traffic is cool but what if it's not worth much?

I have also another family and young childrens website, Thomas the tank engine and friends its gets lots of hits only because do 12 to 15 hours a day working on it. But the price per click PPC is not that good. So you have to look at what is paying. On that site I am now starting to cover more educational resources because that is paying the best for that site but still not much.

If I could go back in time I would have knot done that Thomas train site, but now in-to-deep and there know getting out.
It was a little like building foundations on a marshland, BUT now I have my good foundations.

I have listened some of the best internet marketers like John Reese saying that don't waste any time on getting traffic if it's not paying.
But that is not quit write!
The more traffic a page gets the more traffic the webpage gets.
So if you if a topic in you niche that pulls big numbers and no cash stick with it because some of the people will go to a page that is working for the dollar.

The best post to put on your site is really to stay with what you know, but to go with the flow.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Making Your Web One Dollar Day The First Dollar Is Hardest To Make

Trying to live from your work on the net is a road that would put most people off, if at the start of the job they found out how much there is to do and to find out about, to make it really work for them because the first Dollar is hardest to make.
So many exited people jump into this bizarre business thinking they are going to be next internet millionaires, think again people.

I have to work at my Blog sites 18 hours every day and have done so for 2 years now it's only now I am starting to see some real traffic form Google and all the other great search engines. There are some many different way to drive your net visitors to your site but the time it takes to send them there you can be working for less than 1 Dollar Day.

Picking your market that's the first place were the new-fangled online community first stumble as in fall of a cliff, they will pick a market that is just fare to hard for there HTML or coding skill experience. Also I see so many websites with the most stupid Domain name that will only be searched once in 10,000 years, well they are of to a flying start will a name like MY73-GOBLIN_GERDEN.COM. Know I have said that there will properly major US TV shows about a pixie garden with elf MY73 as the top-dog. Then that name will be fine.

Why do silly people do there site on SEO what a ridiculous topic to pick YOU CAN FIND BETTET very man and his cat are doing the FINDING MOTOR ENHANCING, with most of them with out a clue about synonyms for Latent Semantic Indexing LSI, KEI, keyword density and no tag placement thought what so ever.

There is an other thing ! were has Google's wonder wheel gone from there search..? GOOGLE bring it back it was very useful for finding related topics this has lowered my user experience.
Why do people make there site pages in to festive holiday turkeys stuff to the moon and back with keywords, I suppose they think they will make a pound or two but they will only make it to the bottom of the index search.

You have to offer what people want, there is a good example from a Brazilian cartoon site there is zero SEO work done on this site it is just 10 pictures and some words but he is getting 10,000 people a day just because he is offering first-class content for the visitors.
I understand is some time hard to find a new post for the day when making web pages but if you have nothing excellent to put in your Blog just have a drink or go to sleep until you have found a cunning plane to tell the information famished digital data cyber world.

So where do you start on this voyage of 200 things to finish in one day, its what you know or what you love that is what your site should be about. But if your favorite hobby is a hard topic you make have to do 150 posts with 400-700 words in each to do any good in addition to waiting 2 years. Now I have said that your thing but this is only the 5th post on this I WANT YOU CAN site yes this is true but I have 38 sites to look after and you have to start some were.
I would recommend at first don't bother with all he SEO just start to write about what your vibe is. But I will give you some simple rule to help you.

TITLE 57- 70 characters 65 is best
ALT TAG 100 characters max for your image
DO 400-750 words some times more
ONLY write nice thing.
DO NOT use the same word over and over again

Making Your Web Dollar Day The First Dollar Is Hardest To Make was the title for my page but there has been no million dollar ticket so far, but how can you make a multistory building with out good foundations. Once you have got your first 10 good pagers up and running joint Google adsen program it is the best one to pick. But you have to read and follow there rules very carefully there is no point in cheating just to get your self a ban from them or any other site.
The main key to making money online is really traffic that is targeted to your themes product, the best visitor are from search engines not from referral sites like MyBlogLog.
After you have spent 2-3 day thinking of a great domain name then just make a start to your One Dollar Day quest. I can now find a great domain name in 3-5 hours but I have done coding from winds 85 yes that long but it still takes me 4 house plus to pick a good name, so don’t rush.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Google Gmail chocolate eggs

You can now present your internet cyber girlfriend with a lovely gift box of Google Gmail chocolate eggs, theses are the greatest favor milk chocolate eggs on the planet. If you have not given your loved one this charming picture, then you should Google Gmail in the electronic post immediately. You are free to copy and send this photo to any one at all or to use on you BLOG OR SITE but please keep as original image apart from size any will do.Google Gmail chocolate eggs the greatest favor cyber milk chocolate eggs on the planet

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I want eggs funny video clip

I want eggs French omelet cooking boiled poach scramble or Fried eggs in a pan however you like themFrench omelet cooking, boiled, poach, scramble or fried eggs in the pan how ever you like then done, you will never be the same after seeing this, I want eggs funny video clip, as you witness the chatting box of alien eggs and one of the unlucky egg yoke aliens has to choke in the kitchens live action extravaganza. But there’s a happy ending for some of the talking egg men they can fly home to the kitchen freezer to there nice and cozy egg baskets.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Avatar Return to Pandora

Return to Pandora My Na vi Avatar form the Return to the world of Pandora
At last it’s out on sale, the new epic file Return to the world of Pandora on Blu-ray and DVD format, by the famous Film Corporation twentieth century Fox cinema producer Mr. James Cameron. The Return to Pandora is most expensive move made with a budget of 300 million dollars and 10 cents.
It has been approximately two decades of human free tranquility on Pandora, after the unobtanium excavation mine Corporation were forced away from Pandora by the Na'vi tribes. After all these long absent years away, the humans sky people think is high time to Return to the world of Pandora to get the revenge by paying back the alien tribes of the Na'vi and claiming the remaining precious metal unobtanium.
Return to the world of Pandora james-cameron avatar poster photo
In the 2175 a spaceship in the company of a crew of thick face people have been sent to Return to Pandora, to undertake making acquaintances with the blue 9 foot tall Avatar Na'vi people. The squad has been sent there in upgraded avatar bodies which can speak the perfect Na’vi tong strait from the English language. The humans are going to reopen the main head quarters once more. What are the tribes going to think when they find out, what is going to happen to there special Avatar world once more, when the humans Return to the world of Pandora once again. Can Jake Sully come to the help then I think so.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You Can See Google technology

I want you to see the developed and well maked scanning search Google technology system that can bring the best targeted ads. You Can see all your favorite websites and blogs at a touch of a button targeting your category of most popular quality information online. All to help you so you can see and get the best net search going way passed your possible dreams.
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